ButtonToSwitch Library for STM32 v4.1.0
A library that provides elaborated switch mechanism behavior simulation for digital signals inputs
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CDbncdMPBttnBase class, models a Debounced Momentary Push Button (D-MPB)
 CDbncdDlydMPBttnModels a Debounced Delayed MPB (DD-MPB)
 CLtchMPBttnAbstract class, base to model Latched Debounced Delayed MPBs (LDD-MPB)
 CDblActnLtchMPBttnAbstract class, base to model Double Action LDD-MPBs (DALDD-MPBs)
 CDDlydDALtchMPBttnModels a Debounced Delayed Double Action Latched MPB combo switch (Debounced Delayed DALDD-MPB - DD-DALDD-MPB)
 CSldrDALtchMPBttnModels a Slider Double Action LDD-MPB combo switch, a.k.a. off/on/dimmer, a.k.a. off/on/volume radio switch)(S-DALDD-MPB)
 CTgglLtchMPBttnModels a Toggle Latch DD-MPB, a.k.a. a Toggle Switch (ToLDD-MPB)
 CTmLtchMPBttnModels a Timer Latch DD-MPB, a.k.a. Timer Switch (TiLDD-MPB)
 CHntdTmLtchMPBttnModels a Hinted Timer Latch DD-MPB, a.k.a. Staircase Switch (HTiLDD-MPB)
 CXtrnUnltchMPBttnModels an External Unlatch LDD-MPB, a.k.a. Emergency Latched Switch (XULDD-MPB)
 CVdblMPBttnAbstract class, base to model Voidable DD-MPBs (VDD-MPB)
 CSnglSrvcVdblMPBttnModels a Single Service Voidable DD-MPB a.k.a. Trigger switch (SSVDD-MPB)
 CTmVdblMPBttnModels a Time Voidable DD-MPB, a.k.a. Anti-tampering switch (TVDD-MPB)
 CgpioPinId_tType used to keep GPIO pin identification as a single parameter, independently of the platform requirements
 CMpbOtpts_tType to hold the complete set of output attribute flags from any DbncdMPBttn class and subclasses object